Bhatia Ishan & Oleksak Mark
Sydowia Vol. 77 E-Book/S 69-80 OPEN ACCESS
Applying Cordyceps militaris biopesticide to reduce ...
Artikel Nr 3220
erschienen 05.08.2024
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In: Sydowia 77, (2024): 69-80; ISSN 0082-0598, DOI 10.12905/0380.sydowia76-2024-0069, Published online on August 5, 2024

Applying Cordyceps militaris biopesticide to reduce Brevicoryne brassicae infestation of Brassica oleracea crops

Ishan Bhatia* & Mark Oleksak

1 21610 Palos Verdes Blvd; Torrance, CA 90503, USA
2 13013 Seminole Blvd. #1046 Largo, FL 33778, USA
* e-mail:

Bhatia I. & Oleksak M. (2024) Applying Cordyceps militaris Biopesticide to Reduce Brevicoryne brassicae Infestation of Brassica
oleracea Crops. — Sydowia 77: 69-80.

Chemical ingredients in pesticides unintentionally cause 385 million annual cases of acute poisonings, resulting in 11,000
fatalities each year. An environmentally friendly alternative may exist in Cordyceps militaris, an entomopathogenic fungus traditionally
used as a health supplement. This study was conducted to determine if a C. militaris spray would effectively control
Brevicoryne brassicae (cabbage aphids), a prevalent agricultural pest within the Aphididae family. The experiment started with
3,064 aphids grown on 48 Brassica oleracea plants. An experimental group of 24 plants was sprayed with a solution of C. militaris
and water while a control group of 24 plants was sprayed with water. C. militaris effectiveness was assessed by taking pictures
of each plant on each day and counting the number of aphids on each plant to establish a daily count of aphid populations for
both the control and experimental groups. Results showed that C. militaris exhibited a 91.93 % mortality rate on B. brassicae
over 8 total days. This study suggests that an optimized biopesticide using C. militaris may effectively and safely prevent pest

Keywords: fungi, insecticide, mycopesticide, pesticide, pest control.