Sydowia Vol. 74 E-Book/S 093-106
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Sydowia Vol. 74 E-Book/S 093-106
Morphogenetic characteristics and response ...
Artikel Nr 2950
erschienen 30.08.2021
Preis 16,50
In: Sydowia 74, (2021): 093-106; ISSN 0082-0598, DOI 10.12905/0380.sydowia74-2021-0093, Published online on August 30, 2021

Morphogenetic characteristics and response of novel
Iris hybrids to root rot disease caused by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. gladioli

Masoud Mazaheri Tehrani, Mehdi Nasr Esfahani*, Amir Mousavi, Forough Mortezaiinezhad &
Mohammad Hosein Azimi

Horticulture Department, Agricultural Faculty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Plant Protection Research Department, Isfahan Center for Research and Education in Agricultural Science and Natural
Resources, (AREEO), Isfahan, Iran
Horticulture Department, Agricultural Faculty, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Ornamental Plants Research Center (OPRC), Horticultural Sciences Research Institute (HSRI), (AREEO), Mahallat, Iran

* e-mail:

Tehrani M.M., Nasr Esfahani M., Mousavi A., Mortezaiinezhad F. & Azimi M.H. (2021) Morphogenetic characteristics and
response of novel Iris hybrids to root rot disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli – Sydowia 74: 93–106.
We sought to identify the rates of diversity, genetic relationships and reaction to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli (FOG) of
26 promising Iris hybrids, id est Iris germanica along with their parents. Morphological characters were analyzed by 12 quantitative
traits based on description UPOV, using rulers and digital calipers, genetic diversity by extraction of DNA using Iraizol® kit
and PCR by 24 ISSR primers. There was a significant difference between Iris hybrids and parents population in terms of morphological
traits. Nineteen ISSR primers out of 24 primers showed high genetic diversity, in which 378 bands out of 526 amplified
bands showed clear polymorphism, ranging from 11 bands in HB13 primer and 31 bands in IS8 primer (61.11–84.84%). The mean
polymorphic information content (PIC) parameter was 0.347, ranging from 0.216 to 0.495. Screening test to FOG showed significant
variation, of which hybrids NIOP3, NIOP15 and NIOP16 had the lowest infection.

Keywords: Genotype, hybrid, Iris germanica, ISSR, pathogenicity, resistance.