In: Phyton 60, Fasc. (2020): S. 21-25 DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton60-2020-0021; Published online on 23 November 2020
Sparganium erectum (Typhaceae) and its ambophilous characteristics
Gerhard Gottsberger
with 2 figures
Key words: Anemophily versus ambophily, floral scent and rewards, insects, Sparganium erectum.
Gottsberger G. 2020. Sparganium erectum (Typhaceae) and its ambophilous characteristics. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 60: 21–25, with 2 figures.*
A population of Sparganium erectum was studied at the lake Ossiach (Ossiacher See) in Carinthia (southern Austria) with respect to its pollination mode. Both flower types, female and male, emit scent and produce nutritious substances. Pistillate and staminate flowers were regularly visited by syrphid flies and chrysomelid beetles. The insects licked the exudates at the whitish turgescent stigmas of pistillate flowers and ate pollen at staminate ones. The presented observations and the data of earlier authors, who also observed insects visiting inflorescences of this plant, confirm that Sparganium erectum is ambophilous, i.e., pollinated by wind and insects.