Teppner; Stabentheiner
Phyton Vol. 50/1 E-Book S 109-126
Pararchidendron pruinosum (Mimosaceae-Ingeae): ESEM Investigations
Artikel Nr 2737
Preis 10,00
In: Phyton, 50 Fasc. 1 (2010), S. 109-126 with 52 figures

Key words: Leguminosae, Mimosaceae, Mimosoideae, Ingeae, Pararchidenron pruinosum. – Morphology, anther, anther opening, pollenkitt, pollen presentation, polyads, stigma, style. – ESEM, environmental scanning electron microscopy.


Teppner H. & Stabentheiner E. 2010. Pararchidendron pruinosum (Mimosaceae-Ingeae): ESEM investigations on anther opening, polyad presentation and stigma. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 50 (1): 109–126, with 52 figures.

Anthers and anther opening of Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) Nielsen var. junghuhnianum (Benth.) Nielsen were investigated using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). In general, observations were in good accordance with other Mimosaceae, but in the details of many characteristics there are deviations. The thecae sit parallel on a very wide and thick connective. The stomium is distinctly subsided. Opening of the thecae begins in the centre. The margin of the valves tends to be bent inwards and finally overtops the plane of the main part of the valves. As usual in Mimosaceae, the remnants of the parenchymatic transversal septum are distinct on the valves. In the open anther the two longitudinal bulges of the inward folded valves of a theca abut on each other usually. In the completely open anther the position of the 16-grained, relatively thick polyads presented on the flat parts of the valves usually, is often a little distorted. A large amount of uneven distributed pollenkitt is present. The rim-surrounded stigmatic cup with stigmatic fluid is of the wet, non-papillate type. Many of the presented structures or processes seem to be less specialized and thus, these features may be plesiomorphous at least within Ingeae.