Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 11-18
Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH
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3580 Horn

Stepánek; Kirschner
Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 11-18
Taraxacum names published by J. Murr: Typification and taxonomic i
Artikel Nr 2602
Preis 8,50
In: Phyton 57 (2017): S. 11-18 DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton57-2017-0011 Published online on 4th October 2017

Published online on 4th October 2017

Taraxacum names published by J. Murr: Typification and taxonomic interpretation

Jan Štepánek & Jan Kirschner

Key words : Taraxacum, Asteraceae, Compositae, Cichorieae, Crepidinae. – Taxonomy, nomenclature, typification, Josef Murr. – Flora of the Alps.

Štepánek J. & Kirschner J. 2017. Taraxacum names published by J. Murr: Typification and taxonomic interpretation. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 57 (1–2): 11–18, with 2 figures.

Josef Murr (1864–1932) published a number of Taraxacum names but only a part of them are covered by IPNI. Moreover, most of the names remain neglected, without typification and/or taxonomic interpretation. Taraxacum names published by J. Murr are analysed, typified and interpreted in the present paper; lectotypes had to be chosen from Herbarium collections other than the main personal herbarium of J. Murr (originally deposited in IBF but destroyed by floods in 1985). Taraxacum handelii Murr is shown to belong to sect. Borealia Hand.-Mazz. The lectotype of Taraxacum perincisum (Murr) Murr belongs to the taxon usually referred to as T. oxoniense Dahlst.; the former, older name must therefore replace T. oxoniense. The type of the name T. pseudopalustre Murr belongs to what was described as T. irrigatum Kirschner & Štepánek recently and, as an older name, it must be used as correct for this taxon. Comments are presented about the authorship of T. reichenbachii and other names for which J. Murr published nomenclatural combinations. A brief biography of J. Murr is also given.