Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 107-111
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Szlachetko u.a.
Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 107-111
Three new species of Brevilongium (Orchidaceae-Oncidiinae) from Co
Artikel Nr 2595
Preis 8,50
In: Phyton 57 (2017): S. 107-111 DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton57-2018-0107 Published online on 20th February 2018

Published online on 20th February 2018

Three new species of Brevilongium (Orchidaceae-Oncidiinae) from Colombia

Dariusz L. Szlachetko, Marta Kolanowska & Iwona Skorowska

Key words: Brevilongium, B. callejasii, B. schultesii, B. chitaraquensis, Oncidiinae, Orchidaceae. – New species, taxonomy. – Flora of Colombia, neotropics.

Szlachetko D. L., Kolanowska M. & Skorowska I. 2018. Three new species of Brevilongium (Orchidaceae-Oncidiinae) from Colombia. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 57 (1–2): 107–111, with 3 figures.

Three new species of Brevilongium from Colombia are described and illustrated: Brevilongium callejasii Szlach., Kolan. & Skorowska (characterized by the lip callus in form of an elliptic, apically bifid plate with a pair of linear-oblan­ceolate projections), Brevilongium schultesii Szlach., Kolan. & Skorowska (flabellate apical lip lobe; lip callus in form of a 3-lobed plate with a pair of finger-like appendages), and Brevilongium chitaraquensis Szlach., Kolan. & Skorowska (lip callus composed of two overlapping, 3-lobed plates and a pair of finger-like projections; broad isthmus between lip lobes, relatively narrow apical lip lobe and broadly ovate apical lobe lobules). The taxonomic affinities of the novelties within the genus are discussed. Including the species described in the present paper, the genus Brevilongium now comprises 14 species. A key to the nine species currently known from Colombia is provided.