Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 113-127
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Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 113-127
A conspectus of Silene sect. Lasiocalycinae (Caryophyllaceae)
Artikel Nr 2594
Preis 10,50
In: Phyton 57 (2017): S. 113-127 DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton57-2018-0113 Published online on 26th February 2018

Published online on 26th February 2018

A conspectus of Silene sect. Lasiocalycinae (Caryophyllaceae)

Duilio Iamonico

Key words: Silene sect. Lasiocalycinae, Silene crassipes (S. gonocalyx), S. dichotoma, S. echinata, S. euxina, S. gallinyi (S. trinervia), S. heldreichii (S. remotiflora), S. linicola, S. oropediorum, S. papillosa, S. scabrida, S. squamigera subsp. squamigera, S. squamigera subsp. vesiculifera, S. sumbuliana; sect. Behenantha, Silene stricta (S. antirrhina var. pteroneura). – Typification, illegitimate names, new synonymy. – Algeria, Croatia, Europe, Germany, Italy, Romania, Rus­sia, Syria, Turkey, W-Asia.

Iamonico D. 2018. A conspectus of Silene sect. Lasiocalycinae (Caryophyllaceae). – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 57 (1–2): 113–127, with 3 figures.

A contribution to the historical background and to the nomenclature of Silene sect. Lasiocalycinae (Caryophyllace­ae) is presented. The following 13 taxa (12 species and 1 subspecies) are recognized: Silene crassipes, S. dichotoma, S. echinata, S. euxina, S. gallinyi (= S. trinervia), S. heldreichii (= S. remotiflora), S. linicola, S. oropediorum, S. papillosa, S. scabrida, S. squamigera subsp. squamigera, S. squamigera subsp. vesiculifera, and S. sumbuliana. While S. sumbuliana and S. remotiflora (= S. heldreichii) have holotypes (preserved at AKDU and PAD, respectively), and for S. euxina a lecto­type (at LE) was designated by Coode & Cullen in the second volume of the ‘Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands’, the other names appear to be still untypified. Specimens deposited at BM, BP, F, FI, G, K, MO, P and PAD are considered for the typifications, as well as illustrations by Cosson, Jaubert & Spach, Sebastiani& Mauri, Soyer-Willemet & Godron (in Bory & Durieu), and Winterl. Twelve names in sect. Lasiocalycinae are lectotypified (some isolectotypes were also traced), while for S. linicola a neotype (at F) is designated lacking available original material. An epitype (at RO) is des­ignated for S. trinervia, a later heterotypic synonym of S. gallinyi. S. gonocalyx is confirmed as a later heterotypic syno­nym of S. crassipes. Silene antirrhina var. pteroneura (= S. pteroneura) is lectotypified, synonymized with S. stricta (new synonymy), and therefore excluded from sect. Lasiocalycinae, belonging to sect. Behenantha.