Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 129-135
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Phyton Vol. 57 E-Book S 129-135
The first records of vibratory pollen-collection by bees
Artikel Nr 2593
Preis 8,50
In: Phyton 57 (2017): S. 129-135 DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton57-2018-0129 Published online on 26th February 2018

Published online on 26th February 2018

The first records of vibratory pollen-collection by bees

Herwig Teppner

Key words: Apidae, Bombus, Megachile, Xylocopa, bees, buzz collection, sonication, vibratory pollen-collection. – Cassia s.l., Senna, Chamaecrista, Melampyrum, Physalis, Solanum. – Floral ecology, history of botany.

Teppner H. 2018. The first records of vibratory pollen-collection by bees. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 57 (1–2): 129–135, with 2 figures.

After a thorough analysis of the respective texts, the opinion that Sprengel 1793 or Burck 1887 had discovered vibra­tory pollen-collection cannot be sustained. The first unambiguous descriptions of vibratory pollen-collection date back to Lindman 1902 for bumblebees (on Senna alata), to Schrottky 1908 for Oxaea, Augochlora, Xylocopa, Psaenythia, Ptilo­glossa and others (on Senna occidentalis, Physalis viscosa and Solanum paniculatum), and to Meidell 1944 for Megachile willughbiella and bumblebees (on Melampyrum pratense). Original texts and English translations are provided.