Ma u.a.
Sydowia Vol. 63/1 E-Book/S 79-83
Xylaria choui, a new species from China
Artikel Nr 2555
Preis 6,00
H.-X. Ma1, L. N. Vasilyeva** & Y. Li*

*Institute of Mycology, Jilin Agricultural University,
Changchun 130118, China
**Institute of Biology and Soil Science Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vla-divostok 690022, Russia

Ma H.-X., Vasilyeva L.N. & Li Y. (2011) Xylaria choui, a new species from China. – Sydowia 63 (1): 79–83.

Xylaria choui (Xylariales, Xylariaceae) is described as a new species from China. Photographs of stromata and microstructures are provided, and its delimitation from similar taxa is discussed.
Keywords: Ascomycota, pyrenomycetous fungi, taxonomy