Phyton Vol. 51/Fasc. 1/2011
Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH
Wiener Straße 80
3580 Horn

Guttenberger; Teppner
Phyton Vol. 51/Fasc. 1/2011
Artikel Nr 0846
erschienen 26.05.2011
Maße 24 x 17 cm
Seitenanzahl 176 Seiten
Einband Softcover
Gewicht 1000 g
Preis 46,00
Lieferstatus   Lieferbar
BILOVITZ P. O. & MAYRHOFER H.: Catalogue of the lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

BOGDANOVIC S., BRULLO S. & MITIC B.: Typification of Statice cancellata BERNH. ex BERTOL. (Plumbaginaceae).

BUSINSKY R.: Pinus fenzeliana HAND.-MAZZ. (Pinaceae) still misinterpreted?

BRULLO C., BRULLO S. & GIUSSO DEL GALDO G.: Suaeda kocheri (Chenopodiaceae), a new species from Sicily.

LIU Z., LI. Y., YANG T., SU J., ZHANG M., TIAN R., LI X. PANG Y., QI J. & YANG Y.: Shikonin accumulation is related to calcium Homeostasis in Onosma paniculata cell cultures.

PALHARES D., FRANCO A. C. & PENTEADO ZAIDAN L. B.: Photosynthetic responses of Smilax goyazana (Smilacaceae).

ADAMEC L.: Shoot branching of the aquatic carnivorous plant Utricularia australis as the key process of plant growth.

SOMOGYI J.: Echinodorus densinervis spec. nova (Alismataceae) from South America.

SPETA F.: A remarkable new Loncomelos species from NE-Turkey: L. erichpaschei SPETA spec. nova (Hyacinthaceae-Ornithogaloideae).

BILUSIC VUNDAC V., STABENTHEINER E., BRANTNER A. H. & PLAZIBAT M.: Morphology and distribution of trichomes on leaves in seven Croatian taxa of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae).