Sydowia Vol. 66/Fasc. 2 E-Book/S 241-248
Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH
Wiener Straße 80
3580 Horn

Xia J.-W., Ma Y.-R. & Zhang X.-G.
Sydowia Vol. 66/Fasc. 2 E-Book/S 241-248
New species of Corynesporopsis and Lylea from China
Artikel Nr 2450
Preis 6,60
In: Sydowia 66 Fasc. 2 (2014): 241–248 DOI 10.12905/0380.sydowia66(2)2014-0241

Xia J.-W., Ma Y.-R. & Zhang X.-G. (2014) New species of Corynesporopsis and Lylea from China. – Sydowia 66 (2): 241–248.

Corynesporopsis excoccariae, sp. nov., and Lylea ficus, sp. nov., found on dead branches of Excoccaria cochinchinensis and Ficus hirta, respectively, from the tropical forests of China, are described and illustrated. Corynesporopsis excoccariae differs from other species by cylindrical conidia with 1–3 eusepta. Lylea ficus is easily distinguished by fusiform to cylindrical conidia with 2–3-distosepta.

Keywords: anamorphic fungi, taxonomy.