Phyton Vol. 53/1 E-Book S 73-86
Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH
Wiener Straße 80
3580 Horn

Kitner u.a.
Phyton Vol. 53/1 E-Book S 73-86
Present Status of Genetic Diversity of Potamogeton praelongus Popu
Artikel Nr 2687
Preis 7,50
In: Phyton, 53 Fasc. 1 (2013), S. 73-86, with 4 figures

Key words: Potamogeton praelongus, Potamogetonaceae. – Potamogetonetum praelongi (Milian) Sauer. – Genetic diversity, micropopulations, conservation. – Flora of the Czech Republic.


Kitner M., Prausova R. & Adamec L. 2013. Present status of genetic diversity of Potamogeton praelongus populations in the Czech Republic. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 53(1): 73–86, with 4 figures.

According to the European Red list, Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen (Potamogetonaceae) is a Least Concern species predominantly distributed throughout northern Europe, Asia and North America. It is considered a critically endangered species in the Czech Republic, with the last natural population in a standing oxbow in the Orlice river floodplain at Malšova Lhota, near Hradec Králové in E Bohemia. In this study, the genetic diversity of plants from natural and introduced Czech populations as well as a rescue culture was determined using AFLP analyses. At these sites, despite prolific flowering and seed setting, it propagates only vegetatively as seed germination is apparently extremely rare if any. The analyses revealed a very low genetic diversity in existing Czech micropopulations suggesting a predominant clonal propagation within the natural populations. This may also be a result in the course of ongoing repatriation of in vitro micropropagated plants. However, we observed differences in the genetic profiles and higher genetic diversity in plant individuals raised from seeds (obtained from rescue cultures) produced by sexual reproduction. Trying to obtain seeds could be utilized to increase the genetic diversity within natural and newly established populations. Other aspects of successful conservation of this species are also discussed.