Phyton Vol. 52/2 E-Book S 291-300
Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH
Wiener Straße 80
3580 Horn

Khade u.a.
Phyton Vol. 52/2 E-Book S 291-300
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on root phosphatase activi
Artikel Nr 2693
Preis 7,50
In: Phyton, 52 Fasc. 2 (2012), S. 291-300, with 2 figures

Key words: Carica papaya L. cv. Surya, Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith, Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe, mixed inoculum, root phosphatase activity.


Khade S. W., Rodrigues B. F. & Sharma P. K. 2012. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on root phosphatase activity of Carica papaya L. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 52 (2): 291–300, with 2 figures.

Studies were carried out on physiological responses of Carica papaya L. cv. Surya to inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The experiment dealt with un-inoculated seedlings, seedlings inoculated with Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith, seedlings inoculated with Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe and seedlings inoculated with mixed inoculum (G. intraradices + G. mosseae). The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, G. mosseae, significantly enhanced the root phosphatase activity (acid and alkaline) in papaya plants as compared to control plants. It was followed in descending order of effectiveness by mixed inoculum and G. intraradices.