Sydowia Vol. 67/E-Book/S 11-19
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Sydowia Vol. 67/E-Book/S 11-19
Boletus lakhanpalii, a new species in Boletaceae from Sikkim (Indi
Artikel Nr 2442
Preis 9,30
In: Sydowia 67 (2015): 11–19 DOI 10.12905/0380.sydowia67-2015-0011

Boletus lakhanpalii, a new species in Boletaceae from Sikkim (India) with uncertain phylogenetic Placement
Kanad Das, Dyutiparna Chakraborty, Abhishek Baghela, Sanjay K. Singh & Bryn T. M. Dentinger

Boletus lakhanpalii is proposed here as new to science, with detailed morphological features and illustrations. Comparisons with allied Asian and extralimital taxa are provided. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS barcode region show it to be closely related to an unnamed sequence from New Guinea. These sequences are recovered with uncertain placement in the Boletaceae, near se­quences obtained from specimens identified as Boletus bicolor originating from the USA, and European specimens identified as Boletus fragrans and Xerocomellus armeniacus.

Keywords: macrofungi, Boletales, taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, Himalaya.

Das K., Chakraborty D., Baghela A., Singh S. K. & Dentinger B. T. M. (2014) Boletus lakhanpalii, a new species in Boletaceae from Sikkim (India) with uncertain phylogenetic placement. – Sydowia 67: 11–19.