Sydowia Vol. 64/2 E-Book/S 209-216
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Sydowia Vol. 64/2 E-Book/S 209-216
Peziza vacekii, a new name for P. tiliacea
Artikel Nr 2530
Preis 6,00

Peziza vacekii, a new name for P. tiliacea

G. Cacialli1*, A. Lantieri2 & G. Medardi3

1 Via Goito 25, I-25127 Livorno, Italy
2 Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Section of Plant Biology, University of Catania, Via Antonino Longo 19, I-95125 Catania, Italy
3 Via Giuseppe Mazzini 21, I-25086 Rezzato (Brescia), Italy

Cacialli G., Lantieri A. & Medardi G. (2012) Peziza vacekii, a new name for P. tiliacea. – Sydowia 64 (2): 209–216.

Study of the rediscovered holotype of Plicaria tiliacea confirms that this species belongs to the genus Peziza. Type studies show that it is similar to but different from Peziza prosthetica and Peziza obtusapiculata. Peziza vacekii, nom. nov., is proposed to replace Peziza tiliacea (Vacek) J. Moravec 1985, a later homonym of P. tiliacea Fr.: Fr. 1822.

Key words: Pezizales, nomen novum, nomenclature, taxonomy.