Phyton Vol. 54/2 E-Book S 223-232
Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH
Wiener Straße 80
3580 Horn

Brullo u.a.
Phyton Vol. 54/2 E-Book S 223-232
Silene nefelites (Caryophyllaceae), a New Annual Species from Sici
Artikel Nr 2660
Preis 6,60
In: Phyton 54, Fasc. 2 (2014): S. 223-232 with 2 figures DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton54(2)2014-0223

Key words: Caryophyllaceae, Silene nefelites, Silenoideae. – Taxonomy, chorology, ecology. – Flora of Sicily.


Brullo C., Brullo S., Giusso del Galdo G. & Ilardi V. 2014. Silene nefelites (Caryophyllaceae), a new annual species from Sicily. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 54(2): 223–232, with 2 figures.

A new species of Silene sect. Dipterosperma, named S. nefelites C. Brullo, S. Brullo, Giusso & Ilardi spec. nova, from Sicily is described and illustrated. Some of the characteristics are pinnately nerved leaves, 10–25 mm long bracts and 10–15 mm long filaments. It is a therophyte occurring on the top of Mt. Erice, near Trapani, where it grows on calcareous rocky stands. Its relationships with S. colorata and allied species are also examined. A key to the Sicilian species belonging to S. sect. Dipterosperma is provided.