Sydowia Vol. 66/1 E-Book/S 25-28
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Wu; Deng
Sydowia Vol. 66/1 E-Book/S 25-28
Calostoma maoershanense, a new species from South China
Artikel Nr 2495
Preis 6,60
Wu X.-L. & Deng C.-Y. (2014) Calostoma maoershanense, a new species from South China. – Sydowia 66 (1): 25–28.

Calostoma maoershanense is described and illustrated as a new species from South China. It is characterized by a yellowish globose peridium and spherical basidiospores with flat, irregularly verruculose ornamentations composed of many clavate projection or ridges unequal in length, with truncated apex, and appearing foveolate-reticulate under SEM.

Keywords: taxonomy, Boletales, Calostomataceae.